Golf Fundraiser – Thank you!

IMG_6576Good times was had by all at the APS Caswell Benefit Golf Event held May 14.  The weather was perfect, good food, fun and great teams enjoying it all!!

As with any event there is a lot of support and help along the way / during the event to make it happen and this event was no different.

So…to our wonderful Sponsors for without your support upfront this could not of happened (please see the full list of sponsors below), to our board and volunteers who helped promote and work the event, to Caswell Pines Golf Course for hosting/ supporting us during the event and to the great teams who came out to show their support for a great group and cause a BIG WOOF AND MEOW from ALL THE PETS at APS CASWELL!!!

The winning teams are:

1st Place team: P Stowe, R. Mise. T. Chamdler and R. Taylor

1st Place team: P Stowe, R. Mise. T. Chandler and R. Taylor.

2nd Place Team: North Village Pharmacy. Many thanks to this team for donating their winnings back to the pets!

2nd Place Team: North Village Pharmacy. Many thanks to this team for donating their winnings back to the pets!

3rd Place team: W. Ewalt, M. McGuire, W. Woods and B. Woods.

3rd Place team: W. Ewalt, M. McGuire, W. Woods and B. Woods.















We appreciate your support to our wonderful Sponsors!!
$500 Sponsors
Steffan & Associates, Attorneys

$250 Sponsors
PHE, Inc. – Adam & Eve
Carolina Virginia Animal Hospital
Carscadden Financial Services
NC Subway Group
Kenton Home Improvements
Caswell Pines Golf Club and
Draper Valley Golf Club

$100 Sponsors
Piedmont Electric
Bahama Road Veterinary Hospital
Edward Jones – Tom Struckmeyer
Farm Bureau
Scott & Watlington CPAs
Ace Hardware

$50 Sponsors
Roxboro Savings
Dominion Hardware
Caswell Tire Service
William H. Daniel, Attorney