Pure Pro Wrestling Fundraiser – March 4

Pure Pro WrPure Pro Wrestlingestling returns to the Caswell County Parks and Recreation Center on SATURDAY, MARCH 4th!!!  Come join the excitement and help the animals at the APS Caswell Shelter too!

When:  March 4, 2017

Where: Caswell County Parks & Recreation Center

Bell Time: 7:30 pm

Tickets:  $10| kids 6 & under free

Special Guest:  Jimmy “Boogie Woogie Man” Valiant


FRONT ROW tickets are available NOW at sponsor locations.  Kenny’s Body Shop & Party Palooza


Big Shout Out to Caroline!

Caroline Ray raised money to buy donations for all the animals here at APS Caswell Shelter. “What an AwEsOmE GiRL !!!! To do this all on your own… shows you have a BIG .   We like her mom are very proud of her!!

God Bless you & your family.   A big woof, woof and meow from all the pets!!

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Pet Food Donation

Ma14876467_1308834919147341_789938229842683762_ony thanks to Sunshine Dog Food Mills and the Heath family (Pete, Lori and their APS Caswell best buddy, Lola) for their awesome donation, coordination, delivery, and support of our pets!!

Yippee and god bless from the bottom of our hearts!!


You’re Invited – Pizza Party To Help Pups!

KriptoGather with friends of the Caswell County Animal Shelter (APS) as we brainstorm ideas to help the Shelter and talk about many different volunteer opportunities.  Free pizza served.

Everyone is welcome, so bring your ideas and suggestion on how to help the pets of APS Caswell.  If you like what you hear and want to volunteer in a small way or a big way, you can, but you aren’t obligated to.

Join us Tuesday, Nov. 1, at 7 pm, at the Yanceyville Ruritan Club off County Home and Firetower Road.

Please confirm your attendance by giving us a call (336-694-4921) or dropping us an email (apscaswell@yahoo.com).  We want to make sure we have enough pizza on hand.

We look forward to seeing you there!

You make the difference!

Big shout out and Thanks to all our wonderful supporters who dropped off or sent much needed dog and cat food to the shelter.  

We could not do it without you!!

Big Thanks to Stoney Creek Elementary

A Big Shout Out to Stoney Creek Elementary School!

Big thanks to the Stoney Creek 5th Graders

Big thanks to the Stoney Creek 5th Graders

Many, many thanks to the Stoney Creek 5th graders for their wonderful donations of supplies to our animals.  Thank you so much to the School and Teachers for allowing the kids to collect donations.

APS Caswell is a non-profit organization and donations make a huge impact for us and the pets in our care.  We do realize the many hardships today can bring on anyone.  So once again, we appreciate what anyone can do.

Just remember to spay & neuter your pets and vaccines & rabies shot as well. Importantly, staying a responsible loving pet owner.

God Bless each and everyone of you who were involved!

For anyone else wishing to make a donation, please check out our ‘Wish List’ featured on our home page.

Visitng with the cats and kittens.

Visitng with the cats and kittens.

Big smile for the wonderful kittens playing.

Big smile for the wonderful kittens playing.

Time to say hello to all the pups and dogs in our care.

Time to say hello to all the pups and dogs in our care.

More dogs to check out and say hello to.

More dogs to check out and say hello to.

OMG, puppies!

OMG, puppies!

Thanks again so much!!

Thanks again so much!!

Perfect Gift for Mom!

The Perfect Gift for Mom!

13095849_1151816768182491_1902434394893321583_nLook no further…this Friday and Saturday (May 6&7) the adoption fee for all adults pets is half price!!  Why not stop by and find mom her new best friend at the Caswell County Animal Shelter in Yanceyville.

Not only will mom get a new best friend but a special gift on the behalf of all the pest currently in our care.

I can speak from personal experience as someone with a older mom.  Tony, orange tabby cat, has been awesome for mom and is her best friend forever.  Stop by and visit with all the wonderful cats and dog.

Questions: Call 336-694-4921

New addition to the Cook family!

Congrats on the new family member!

Heading home with the Cook family

Oreo’s heading home!

Oreo joins the Foster Family!

Matthew & Sweet Ol Darsha

Let’s give a big shout out to Matthew for adopting “Sweet ol’ Darsha”. He has called and informed us that she has settled in nicely. She’s of course, an inside pet that has already won his heart and affection. I believe you have found your furever companion that will remain loyal and true. Thanks again Matt we fell in*love with this gal too.Darsha