Pennies for Pets-July 18

Come join us at the Tractor Supply in Danville, VA today.  The Shelter is in great need of supplies and you can help.  In addition, we will be collecting pennies & having a 50/50 raffle.

Come see Smokey J and help out the great pets at APS Caswell.

Questions, call the Shelter at 336-694-4921.

Adoption Event-March 7th (11am- 3pm)

Looking for a new family member or a new best friend to exercise with?
Join us March 7th at the Tractor Supply in Burlington









Adoption Event ( for Animal Protection Society of Caswell County)
Time: 11am -3pm, March 7th
Location: Tractor Supply in Burlington , NC
3129 Garden Road, Burlington, NC 27215
Will have many dogs and cats of all ages and sizes to choose from.

See you there!

Spring Cleaning?

The spring is in the air, time to clean up your home

We will be happy to take new or gently used household items that you don’t need.

To donate items, please drop it off at our shelter ONLY during working hours!

836 County Home Road Yanceyville, NC 27379

Hours: M, W, Th 8-5pm;T and Fr- 1-5 pm, Sat 10-2pm 

Phone: 336 694 4921

Boomer goes to the Puppy Bowl!

Boomer, a husky-shepherd mix puppy owned by Liz and Gerald Spivak of Harriman, will be in the starting lineup of Sundayís Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet.  Photo provided by Animal PlanetBoomer a former Animal Protection Society of Caswell County pup, rescued by Bonnies Animal Rescue Kingdom in Paramus, NJ, will be in the starting lineup of Sunday’s Puppy Bowl on Animal Planet!


Boomer, a husky-shepherd mix puppy now lives with his new family, Liz and Gerald Spivak of Harriman, NJ.


Only 55 puppies from Shelters and rescues in the US and Puerto Rico were chosen, and Boomer was one of them.  Actually Boomer makes it the second puppy from Caswell County to be chosen to play in the Puppy Bowl thanks to Bonnies Animal Rescue Kingdom!


Boomer plays in the Puppy Bowl for Team Ruff against Team Fluff, 3-5 p.m. this Sunday on Animal Planet.  He will be shown more than in the actual ‘game’.


Join us this Sunday to cheer Boomer and his teammates on to victory!

Putts for Pups – May 16, 2015

Putts for Pups Benefit Golf Event for the Animal Protection Society of Caswell County

When: Saturday, May 16, 2015 (Rain date May 17, 2015)

Where: Caswell Pines Golf Course, Yanceyville, NC

Time:  Lunch starts at 11:30, Tee off starts at 1:00

How to register your team: Click on image below, print and mail registration with payment to APS Caswell Shelter.

( team of 4- $50 per person by April 16th, $55 per person after April 16th)






BE A SPONSOR: Call 336-694-4921 or email us at
$50 Name and Group sign at check -in
$100 name on sign at hole ( w/logo if you provide) and on Group sign
$250 name on sign at hole ( w/logo if you provide)name on beverage carts, and on Group sign
$500 – choose a team registration OR a large sign at check – in just for you; name on signs at 2 holes ( w/logo if you provide) and on Group Sign
$1000 custom sponsorship we can arrange to meet your needs

Questions – 336-694-4921 or email at

Beat the Heat…

Spay and neuter your pets!
To learn more visit our low cost spay and neuter page or the Caswell Pet Lifeline facebook page for additional dates and times.

Now on Facebook

APS Caswell is now on Facebook!

Check all the updates, news, auctions, events and more.

Check us out today!



Come out to the Caswell County Parks and Recreation on Nov 16 for a fun evening of wrestling.

This is a benefit event for the Animal Shelter. Refreshments will be available and also bring in some needed dollars for us.

Tickets are only ten dollars, and are available at the shelter, and from most of the Board members and volunteers.


Bike Run











The 2nd Brigade Motor Cycle Club and APS are holding Pets and Vets Together, a motorcycle Run on Saturday October 6 at the  VFW Fairgrounds, 692 County Home Road, Yanceyville, NC.




A highlight of this event will be the presentation of a dog to a deserving veteran. Details are being worked on, but we know there will be food and drinks, some competitions, and a raffle.


Rain date will be the following Saturday.

How Marble Run works:  Participants on motorcycles or in cars go to 5 different stops on a route to draw marbles from a bag.  Each color  marble is worth a certain number of points which will be revealed at the end of the Run.  Cash prizes for most points $200, for least points (the “feel sorry for you award”) $100, for most patriotic bike $25 most patriotic rider $25, and a “mystery prize” of $25.


Supporters who do not wish to ride can join us mid-day for entertainment, “cornhole” bean bag toss, food, animal demonstrations, 50/50 drawing, door prizes, kid games, silent auction, & face painting. 

Registration 10 am, 1st ride 11:30am. $25/bike $10/rider, including lunch and T-shirt.  To come for lunch only, $5.

100% of all proceeds to benefit animals in the Caswell County shelter. 


A deserving veteran will receive a trained dog, RJ, a beautiful, friendly Yellow Labrador. 


RJ Labrador

RJ Having Fun

RJ will be neutered and have his shots, ready to go home, and will have basic obedience training.  RJ will come with a “starter kit” of food and other supplies. The unconditional love animals give may be a blessing to a veteran who faces the challenges associated with returning home from service.  If you know a deserving veteran to welcome RJ into his or her home, please nominate this veteran to APS by sending an email to, explaining why your vet is deserving.  The VFW will assist in choosing the recipient.




Shiva getting love and heading out to her new forever home!