Donation and Book sale – Dog Joy

APS of Caswell County is pleased to accept a $250.00 donation from Dog Joy Books.

This summer Carolina Capuzzi, a high school senior in West Chester, PA, published the book Dog Joy to help raise awareness and money for dog rescue organizations.  Profits from this book are being given to a number of the organizations featured in the book.

Chapter #25, the story of Pearl & Mattie, was submitted by a Caswell APS adopter, Dwight Chandler.  It’s a wonderful illustration of the full title of the book “Dog Joy”:  Amazing Stories of the Indescribable Love Only a Rescued Dog Can Give”.

Thank you Dwight and Carolina for your adoption and support of our wonderful Shelter!




The Book can be purchased at:

And more photos and news at: Dog Joy Facebook

Breakfast after dark with APS Caswell

Help the Shelter by stopping by Biscuitville, 2101 Riverside Dr, Danville, VA
on Tuesday, October 16th from 5 – 8 pm.

Order your favorite item inside the restaurant or in the drive-thru, and tell the cashier to add your order to the Caswell County Animal Protection Society & the Shelter will receive 20% of the proceeds from your purchase.

Thank you for support!!

9 Lives for $9 Cat Adoption Event

Come by the Caswell County Animal Shelter & meet all of the beautiful cats that we have waiting for loving, forever homes.

For 1 WEEK ONLY we are offering cat adoptions for $9 (*some exclusions may apply).

This includes deworming, vaccinations, & spay/neuter.

So hurry on by your new best friend may be here waiting for you!

Contact APS Caswell

to learn more!



Kitten & dog food needed!!

We are currently in need of Gerber baby food for all the kittens currently in our care.  Below is a full list of our needs.  We appreciate your help!

Gerber Chicken and Gravy Baby Food
Quality Canned Puppy & Kitten Food
Quality Dry Puppy & Kitten Food
Extra Large or Giant Puppy Pads
Baby Wipes

Please drop off during business hours or mail to:
Animal Protection Society of Caswell County
836 County Home Road
Yanceyville, NC 27379

Thank you for your help and support!

Thank YOU – Food Donations!

Thank you so much for YOUR Support of food, flea & tick and more for the cats and dogs of APS Caswell!!

YOU make the Difference!

Thank You – Yard Sale & Adoption Event

Thank you to the volunteers & everyone who came out to support the Shelter by attending our annual yard sale, rabies clinic, & open house.

You help to make the difference!!  Thanks for your support!

We have lots of great animals needing homes PLEASE ADOPT.

T-shirt Fundraiser

Caswell County APS is currently selling shirts to raise money to help the shelter.
Just click on the photo below to shop.

We have many different styles & sizes to choose from.

Pay online & have them delivered right to your door, how great is that?

This campaign only runs thru July 5th so don’t wait, start shopping now!

Rabies Vaccination Clinic – June 2

When: Saturday June 2nd,  from 10:00 am – 12:00 am

Where: APS Caswell Animal Shelter, 836 County Home Rd. Yanceyville, NC 27379

Cost:  $5.00

Keeping your pets up to date on rabies vaccinations is very important for the pet and you!  Join us June 2nd for the rabies vaccination clinic, courtsey of the wonderful supporting vets at Carolina Virginia Animal Hospital. 

Please Note: You must provide proof of prior rabies vaccination in order to receive the 3 yr certificate. No appointment needed.

Join us afterwards at the Shelter Yard Sale, next door at the Ruitan Club, and do a little visiting and shopping! 

Questions: Call the Shelter at 336-694-4921.


Thanks to Bartlett Yancey Beta Club!

We want to give a huge THANK YOU to Melissa Teets & the Bartlett Yancey BETA Club for all they do for our shelter! These kids regularly come by to walk & socialize the animals at the shelter.

This year they hosted a “Puppy Love” drive collecting toys & supplies. They even took time to make some special hand-made toys of their own for the shelter animals.

Please take time to give a shout out to these fine young people in our community. We are grateful to have them assisting us at APS Caswell Animal Shelter!





Rabies Vaccination Clinic & Shelter Open House- June 2

When: Saturday June 2nd,  from 10:00 am – 12:00 am

Where: APS Caswell Animal Shelter, 836 County Home Rd. Yanceyville, NC 27379

Cost:  $5.00

Keeping your pets up to date on rabies vaccinations is very important for the pet and you!  Join us June 2nd for the rabies vaccination clinic, courtsey of the wonderful supporting vets at Carolina Virginia Animal Hospital. 

Please Note: You must provide proof of prior rabies vaccination in order to receive the 3 yr certificate. No appointment needed.

Join us afterwards at the Shelter open house and Shelter Yard Sale, next door at the Ruitan Club, and do a little visiting and shopping! 

Questions: Call the Shelter at 336-694-4921.